What Does “Happy New Year” Mean?


For me, “Happy New Year” means good luck with your clean slate, your new focus word, and endless opportunities to embrace.

This year is much like others in my past, where I have a word which I will use as my guide in my actions. Last year’s word was “renew,” and I believe I did find in myself a renewal of energy, of spirit, of passion. This year’s word is “flourish.”

  • How do I plan to flourish in 2024? Here are my goals.
  • Pay more attention to my time management – spending more time working and less time playing around on the internet. To this end, I’m being more aggressive in my daily calendaring and limiting time online to certain times of the day
  • Obtain master level certifications, the RVR-M, and RCP-M – waiting to hear back on the RVR taken at the end of the year
  • Grow my new rural Appalachia-based court reporting service, adding marketing to my repertoire
  • Add more chamber-related activities to my business life
  • Extend my health and well-being plans to include more hiking, more movement in general, trying out new practices such as yoga and tai chi at the local studio, and continuing the holistic health practices and supplementation as well as massage and other body work
  • Become a member of a local chorale so that I can bring the joy of singing back into my everyday life

Every person has different goals and needs at different times in their lives. And no matter what they are, they’re YOURS and you can decide how you pursue them. And, frankly, if your goal is simply to survive with no other “master planning” going on, this is perfectly fine. Whatever your goal is, make your best effort at it and I wish you success in achieving that goal.